Angela Levin is one of the biggest nutjobs in the “royal commentary” game. These days, I only cover her increasingly bizarre, nonsensical rantings when they go viral. Thankfully, Levin-going-viral is happening less and less, although Levin is still invited to chime in with royal commentary nearly every week by the Sun and by various British chat shows. Instead of being regarded as a delusional fantasist who spouts lies and conspiracies about Prince Harry and Meghan, she’s still seen as some kind of go-to royal expert when a show wants a quick hit of royal gossip. So, that’s how this current situation started – Levin was invited to do a segment on TalkTV, all about the Duchess of Sussex’s jam and her friendships with Melissa McCarthy and Abigail Spencer. Here’s the clip:

She moves effortlessly from claiming that Melissa McCarthy is scared of the Duchess of Sussex to Meghan casting Harry as a Dickensian figure in the 40th birthday video… and then Levin gets pushback from host JJ Anisiobi and she starts getting mad. Then she claims that she spent “15 months with Prince Harry,” which is another lie – she got 15 minutes with him over a decade ago and she hasn’t shut up about it since. She’s been dining out on that and calling herself a Harry-expert.

Then the conversation goes fully off the rails (around the 4:30 mark) as Anisiobi says “It sounds like you’ve got a vendetta against Meghan Markle, that’s what it sounds like” and “Angela, with respect, you sound like a troll. A social media troll.” That’s when Levin desperately tries to get her unhinged commentary back on track by bringing up Abigail Spencer’s Instagram post with the ARO jam. Levin starts whining about how Spencer’s IG post was “a very set-up thing” which Levin thought “how ridiculous, this is a jar of jam.” It’s like listening to the dumbest person ever describe something she saw on Instagram. Anisiobi proceeded to push back and say: yeah, of course it was a set-up, it’s Meghan promoting ARO, it’s PR. Levin then got huffy and turned off her Zoom.

Something similar happened to Levin on live TV back in September 2022, just after QEII died. Levin was invited to appear on a chat show via Zoom and she began spreading hate and lies about Meghan. Levin got some minor pushback and she basically started crying salty white Karen tears. I hoped that incident would be the end of Levin’s royal-expert career. It was not. So if anyone is going to have Levin on their show, please do what JJ Anisiobi did here. It’s not like he even came in with a dissertation about Meghan or anything – he just pushed back on some of the most egregious lies she spouts on an hourly basis.

Photos courtesy of Instagram, IG Stories. Screencap courtesy of TalkTV.
