At some point we stopped covering Hilaria Baldwin’s bikini and lingerie pics. We have to turn the ads off on some of those posts depending on how much skin she’s showing plus how interesting is it really? Oh look a former fitness professional who married an older rich actor is showing her bikini body. Prior to meeting Alec Baldwin in 2011 Hilaria was a yoga instructor and co-founded a franchise called Yoga Vida. Hilaria has four kids with Alec, the youngest of whom, son Romeo, is just two and a half months old. Her oldest child is four! So in that respect her physique is impressive. She’s said that Alec is absolutely no help with parenting but she said it in a nicer way, that he’s “old school.” She surely has plenty of other help with the kids and housework, and she’s obviously spending some time working on her fitness. Hilaria posted this photo from her bathroom in her underwear to show her postpartum figure 10 weeks after having a baby. She looks incredible. She rubbed me the wrong way with the caption on this post though.
I have no problem with anyone posting bikini pics, but own it, you know? Just post a cute caption about your upcoming beach vacation or goals or whatever, don’t act like you’re doing people a favor. It’s implied in the way she phrased this that anyone who isn’t as fit as she is isn’t eating and exercising right. That’s just rude. Not many people are going to be inspired by a famous woman posing in her underwear in her bathroom. This woman is fitness inspiration to me, Hilaria is not.
Anyway people claimed that Hilaria photoshopped that pic so she posted a video of herself in the bathroom in the same underwear along with a long caption about how she’s real and how people should move on if they don’t like it.
A post shared by Hilaria Thomas Baldwin (@hilariabaldwin) on Jul 27, 2018 at 9:06pm PDT
Hilaria was on The Today Show last week, where she demonstrated some yoga moves and said she’ll possibly have a fifth baby because her one daughter wants a sister. Alec supposedly wants another one too. I tried to figure out what she’s promoting here, other than her future projects and personal brand. I couldn’t find a youtube channel, website or current book or yoga DVD she’s put out. In 2016 she put out a wellness book and she did a prenatal yoga DVD in 2013.
Chrissy Teigen, who had a baby a day on May 16th, a day before Hilaria, just posted a comically photoshopped picture with the caption “this is after one bag of tea and 5 reps of 2 squats !!!! If I can do it so Can U!!!!” That’s pretty much what Hilaria is saying.
As of press time, this is the last video she posted, about keeping your core strong. She’s trying to inspire us and teach us how to look like her, it’s not about showing off her flat abs two months after having her fourth baby.
photos credit: Getty, Pacific Coast News and Instagram/Hilaria Baldwin